Well hello everyone! How has your wizardry been going on? Riiight, so it's awesome. Especially in Zafaria huh. Well, remember yesterday when I said don't be scared to ask a blogger for some help, and how I asked Mason? Well.... his help got me 36 page views yesterday! 36 people? Or was it 7 viewing the blog over and over again because they liked it? Nope, because my readings say 36 peeps have checked out the blog. Thing is, they checked it out....but did they like it?
I want you all in the future, when you see the blog and think, awh that's awesome. You would know it took me a long way to get it like that didn't you? So, in return. I'd love to get a visitor's follow.
It would be great because if I know I have followers who check back every time. I'll be able to make contests. Random Contests, KI Contests etc.
So remember, Please follow TSH! And I'll see you when Ambrose wills!
Happy Wizarding!
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