As sad in the other post "You can't trust Everyone". Mason has caused SO much drama. That now it's taken to someone ELSES' hands. For such small matter. And it's driven me to this hard decision, should I stay? Or should I go?
I've never felt welcome into Twitter like I did in Facebook. Malistaire's gotten into my mind, and I'm letting him take over. Because I really am stuck, and out of control. Here is a message: " Look, I personally feel no one is on my side giving any kind of support no matter. So if that's the way, and I have no friend, then I bid you a good day and it would be wonderful for all of you when you see me quit Wizard101. Isn't it? Also, in my opinion, you haven't saw what Chris has done to me? Yes? Thought so, and that's why you shouldn't said it's not only my fault. Chris Autumn and Edward were saying I shouldn't be doing this, and that. It's like Cinderella (I feel weird with this example). I'm Cinderella and Chris and Edward are the too step sisters, while Autumn is the step mother. Now they don't treat me as well as you think. So (with a bit of twist in the end) THE FAMOUS QUOTE....... "Treat others the way you want to be treated."..................................I treat them the same way. No? Yes, no. Because ALL of you come up taking nags at me, yes? Yes. Now you have to admit, no one really was supporting me, so I was a bit more brave than all of you standing up for my rights. And if you want me to quit Wizard101, surely just drop off my list. However, I won't leave for you Edward, I won't leave for you Ian, I won't leave for YOU Buxley, I won't leave for ANYONE. This is my favorite game, and I AM ALLOWED TO PLAY IT. I don't care about Chris threatening that he's gonna do something to me. Like what can you really do? Cyber hit me? Pathetic. So really, if you want me to leave you alone. Then don't you dare touch the button next to Anger. Because you won't EVER be accepted back. Sorry Buxley, gave you a chance but really if you saw Chris' post. Which was the first post, it was much more terrible. So once again, don't blame everything on me. But before you do, think about the way I feel. Think about the way I would've got offended and blasted everyone. Instead of saying ahh he's a Demon just tell him off, all of us. I'm no demon, I have feelings and it looks like you all don't understand I DO have feelings. Because if you did, you would've been welcoming me way better into such situations. And Buxley don't even for a minute say your not taking sides because you already have took a side, the darkside. But I'll make you come to the light side once again (once I buy those cookies). Anyway, even if I'm blasting at someone, the person should know if I put a little humor in there, I don't at all hate them. But hate what they've done. And really looks like you hate me. And I'm fun with that. Just don't tell everyone something which gets me into the wrong instantly. I nearly had 100 followers on Twitter, then it went to 79, you know why? Because you were bad mouthing me. That's all I care about." Now as you see, it was a very sad moment when I wrote that. But It had to be done. It's now leave for me, or stay. You guys choose, I'm stuck.
Tell me in either Facebook or Twitter. @SirPyromancy or Wolf Sky (FB).
Thanks guys, it's been a wonderful to be here, and just remember I love you all as friends. Even those who hate me. So goodbye.
~Sir RavenStone.
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